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A very special biblical year has begun!

  The priest of the Lutheran parish of Rovaniemi, Aki Hätinen: In August 2022 I visited in the city of Bursa, Turkey. During The Ottoman Empire, it used to be its capital. One hour distance from this beautiful city locates a small city called Iznik. I paid a visit there also during my trip. The town is at the site of the ancient Greek city of Nicaea. This year Nicaea plays a great role in Christian world. The year 2025 marks the 1700th anniversary of the Roman Ecumenical Christian council of Nicaea, convened by Emperor Constantine I in 325. Constantine I (also known as Constantine the Great) was the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity. He played a pivotal role in elevating the status of Christianity in Rome, decriminalizing Christian practice and ceasing Christian persecution. This was a turning point the Christianization of the Roman Empire. Constantine is sometimes associated with the religiopolitical ideology, which epitomizes the unity of church and state. He founded...
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100 Ukrainians visiting Rovaniemi

Text: Noora Hietanen, pics: Marjo Romakkaniemi, Eva Kivinen and FinAid ry. 88 children and pre-teens and 12 adult Ukrainians arrived as our Christmas guests.  - The adults are the teachers of the children and young people, the principal of the Nikopol school was also with them. Together with many other partners, we welcomed them to Christmas in Rovaniemi and introduced various attractions, chaplain Topi Litendahl commented. The Ukrainians stayed at Syväsenvaara school. The Rovaniemi parish’s Aapakirkko near there, offered mee-ting spaces and places for breakfast and evening snacks. At Norvajärvi center Ukrainiains fried sausages and met reindeers. The highlights, according to the children, were the sauna, snow, and ice fishing. Everyone participated in the Rovaniemi Church Christmas mass and Ukrainian children joined the Christmas tableau. Children wished and prayed for Christmas:  - ”To be outdoors with others, possibility to go to school again, fathers homecoming from frontl...

lt's time to sing our favorite christmas carols again!

Cantor, Tarja Alakörkkö-Perkkiö What is your favourite Christmas carol? I remember from my childhood how the Greatest Christmas carols were sung in my home village. lt was a festive atmosphere. Our district pastor Reijo and Mauri cantor arrived at my home school, the air smelled of gingerbread and the singing rang. Since then, the words of several Christmas carols that are still popular have been memorized in my mind. Singing together promotes well-being. According to research, singing together relieves the symptoms of memory loss, treats mental health, lowers blood pressure. ln addition, it is a community experience when we gather to sing together. The national "Greatest Christmas Carols" campaign has already been organized more than 50 times. At events, you can give the children of the world a gift that matters. Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission (Felm) offers education, health care and security to the most disadvantaged children in developing countries. ln particular, th...

Advent and Christmas Time in Rovaniemi - Welcome to the church and parish events!

Advent and Christmas Time in Rovaniemi - Welcome to the church and parish events! Rovaniemi Parish magazine December 2024 English summary. The nativity scene  Is in manger at Lordi’s Square (Maakuntakatu 29-31) and you can also watch it on the webcam: Rovaniemi church  is open daily from 2nd December 2024 until 6th January 2025 @9:00-21:00. Until 2nd December church is open Mon-Fri @11:00-14:00 when priest is also available. Services start Wednesdays @18:00 and Sundays @10:00. 

In touch with God

The priest of the Lutheran parish of Rovaniemi, Aki Hätinen: Baptism is a gift we receive at the beginning of our lives and lasts throughout our lives. It is the most wonderful event that can take place in the human life cycle. According to Martin Luther (1483 - 1546), in baptism God gives man the gift of faith, which does not depend on our understanding, because faith is God's work in us. This certainly begs the question of how a hair wash can bring this about. It is not only the water itself that does the work, but the Word of God with the water and the faith that God has given in His Word. Without the word of God, water is not baptism, but just water. In the story of the Flood, water is the tomb that covered the sins of mankind. In the beginning of Genesis, water is the prerequisite for all life and growth. In baptism, water has both of these functions. What happened to Christ, applies to us who are baptized into his fellowship. And on the other hand, what we are or do as baptis...

Let the fells figure out who stays next to you

Pastor Aki Hätinen: Some time ago I went to see The Apprentice, a film directed by Ali Abbas. The film about Donald Trump's years as a young man has stirred people's thoughts into one direction or another, since it was released in the run-up to the presidential election and there was even an attempt to block the film from being shown in US cinemas. Abbas' film is not a statement for or against Trump's persona, but the film's central point of interest lies elsewhere. The young Trump wants to get out from under the shadow of his businessman father and create his own business empire. He is mentored by a thoroughly immoral lawyer, Roy Cohn, who teaches Trump a few truths about making it in life: 1) Always attack, 2) Admit nothing, deny everything, and 3) Never admit defeat, even if you lose. Does this sound familiar? When Cohn falls seriously ill and needs reciprocal help from the man he helped rise to the top of the business world, Trump turns his back on his mentor. T...

All Saints Day in Rovaniemi

Rovaniemi Church is open from Monday to Friday @11:00-14:00 when priest is also available in the church. Wednesday services start @18:00. Sunday Masses start @10:00. Warmly Welcome!